Society of Women Engineers
EWS Annual Outreach

Expanding Your Horizons
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) in Science and Mathematics™ conferences nurture girls' interest in science and math courses to encourage them to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Every spring at WSU Tri-Cities in Richland, EWS-SWE members participate by organizing and presenting at this enriching event for middle school girls.
Volunteers are needed for the planning committee, to participate, contact .

Girls Scouts

Mid-Columbia Science Fair
Each year EWS judges science presentations of girls middle school through high school. Five winners and five honorable mention awards are given to girls with the best presentations.

Get Involved Now!

Expanding Your Horizons is Looking for Volunteers!

Expanding Your Horizons is an event that occurs every year and give an excellent opportunity to work with young women and help teach them about what being an engineer is all about.  And this is your chance to get in on the ground floor and help plan a workshop, invite inspiring women speakers, and help with other programming.

To get involved or for more information, email .


IEEE WIE Next Step Program
The Next Step program provides STEM information and guidance to high school students. WIE is looking for volunteers to give one-time general presentations and long term mentors for interested students. Contact Maria () if you are interested.

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