Society of Women Engineers

President - Jennifer Williamson
Vice President - Michelle Hicks
Treasurer - Cristina Marinovici
Secretary - Anna Taylor
Section Representative - Alicia Boyd

Awards - Renee Slocumb
Certificates of Merit - Jennifer Williamson
Communications - Taran Dhaliwal
Outreach/Advocacy - Open
Fundraising - Open
Professional Development - Ann Langevin
Membership - Dimpel Patel
Scholarship - Cristian Marinovici
TCTC Chair - Joan Young
Region J Governor - Alice Orrell

2014-15 Board Meeting Schedule
Day Date Time Location
Tuesday September 2, 2014 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday October 7, 2014 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday November 11, 2014
Fall Business Meeting
Tuesday December 2, 2014 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday January 6, 2015 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday February 3, 2015 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday March 3, 2015 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday April 7, 2015
Spring Business Meeting
3 Margaritas,
Tuesday May 5, 2015 6:30pm Michelle's House
Tuesday June 2, 2015 6:30pm Michelle's House

List of Past Officers

EWS Chair & Committee Positions Open for FY15

if you are interested in any of these positions July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015:

Outreach / Advocacy

Fundraising Chair – Work with the SWE-EWS board to organize and lead fundraising events.

Communications Committee
- Assist Taran Dhaliwal in pulling together the newsletter and other SWE-EWS communications related activities.

Open Committee Positions for Region J Society Bylaws Committee

A Region J representative is needed for this standing committee. In this role, you would interface with Betty Leonhard (SWE Bylaws Chair) and her team in order to stay apprised of updates needed to region and section bylaws. You would also be responsible for making necessary updates to the region bylaws and passing along information to sections. Region J Awards Committee Chair – The Region J awards program that was kicked off last year is in need of a chairperson to drive the success of this program.

Contact if you are interested in either opportunity.

Counselors needed for Collegiate Sections: U of I, Montana State, WSU, and Gonzaga

Contact  . Position tasks include coordinating with the student section to help them put on events and interface with professional section.

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