Note: Click on the names of the workshop speakers to learn more about the workshop, the presenter, and the company they work for.


**SESSION A 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM**
SESSION A1 - Professional Development after College
Chairperson: Carrie Meyer, Bechtel Communciations
1. "Why Get a Professional License" by Terry Meier, President of Meier Enterprises.
2. "Graduate School" by Phil Ohl, Vista Engineering Technologies, L.L.C.
3. "Founding Your Own Company" presented by Alair Emory, Owner of Javelin 3D.

SESSION A2 - Project Management
Chairperson: Denise Bent, Energy Northwest
1. "How Project Management Affects and Benefits Engineers" by Jo Ferguson, Project Management Institute (PMI), Owner and Manager of Complex Systems Solutions.

The plan for the workshop is a 30-45 minute overview of project management, followed by assorted interactive discussion groups or problem-solving sessions. Several board members and certified Project Management Professionals will lead the group sessions.

Questions from participants are encouraged before the workshop. Ideally, organizers would like to have them ~ 3 weeks prior to the event. Send questions to .

The Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) organizes project management concepts into the following areas. Questions or problems will be organized into these areas: (1) Scope Management; (2) Time Management; (3) Cost Management; (4) Quality Management; (5) Resource Management; (6) Communications Management; (7) Ethics; (8) Project Closeout

SESSION A3/A5 - Common Sense in the Workplace / Work Place Communication
Chairperson: Renee Slocumb, Central Washington University
1. "Business Etiquette" by Sharon Shoup, Bechtel College Relations Representative
2. "Female Intuition: The Competitive Advantage" by Gariann Gelston, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

**SESSION B 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM**
SESSION B1 - Mock Interviews
Several professionals volunteer to conduct interviews. Those who need to improve their interview skills, will have the opportunity to interview with at least one professional. Interviews will need to be scheduled ahead of time to ensure adequate time for each. The professional will ask interview questions and the person provides responses. Then at the end, the professional provides some critique information to the person to help them with future interviews. Sign Up early for the mock interviews.
Chairperson - Pam Ankrum

SESSION B2 - Power - Innovations and Our Future
Chairperson: Joan Young, Energy Northwest

SESSION B4 - Hanford: Frontier of Opportunity
Chairperson: Tamara Franklin, Bechtel National Inc.
1. "Hanford: Past and Future" by Dr. Michele Stenehjem Gerber, Fluor Hanford and WWII/Cold War Historian
2. "Bechtel National, Inc. Waste Treatment Plant" by Janet Roth, Bechtel
Visit: Hanford Vitrification Plant for more information.

**12:30 PM - 2:15 PM**
"Expect Success: Professional Career with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)"
Presented by Cathy Nelson, P.E., Technical Services Manager/Chief Engineer, Oregon Department of Transportation

**2:30 PM - 5:00 PM**
Student Business Meeting
Professional Business Meeting

**6:00 PM - 10:00 PM**
"Science and Engineering: A Frontier for Professional Growth"
Presented by Dr. Lura Powell, President and CEO of Advanced Imaging Technologies

Panel Questions and Answers led by Wanda Munn. Honor Elayne "Sandy" Brower and Isabel French as professionals, women in history, and pioneers.


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Last updated 03/30/04